Friday, April 20, 2012

NHJ - The Beginning

To start a new hero's journey, I explained my view on youtube.  The best way to get the message is to see me speaking on youtube together with the following quotes as reference.

New Hero's Journey - The Beginning

In short, I see NHJ (New Hero's Journey) a journey of exploration and finding our destiny while utilizing our talent and potential fully.  Yet, the process may be similar to a camel going through the eye of a needle, especially most of us carrying some fixed mindset developed over years of living our life.  Even though they may have been developed for necessity, if we are not "liberated" from the past, they may limit us from exploring the world fully. Such is the challenge for us and therefore, the term, New Hero to go beyond these hurdles.

Going over the hurdles:
- The path of enlightenment is a path covered by thorn bushes (Daisetz)
-  It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God! (Mark 10:25)

By the way, I am not the guru, or teacher in this journey.  Those interested in this journey are all co-travelers of life.  My hope is to share views and ideas as we move on, perhaps we may share your story for everybody's benefit.  What is required to launch this journey is: willingness and passion like a longing of the endless sea - our life.

In order to prepare us at this starting point, I would like to share some more quotes.  Many of them may look puzzling, paradoxical or even conflicting.  Yet, as I see it, it is a part of this road less traveled.  In zen saying, this is a gateless gate.  But we do not need to be fearful, annoyed, or puzzled for such word now.  We are to move step at a time and confirm many basics as we remain curious, open, willing and even passionate about what is going on in our life.  There are many expressions that may guide us.

On Beginner's mind:
- A child's mind is a rather open thing.  Adults tend to restrict themselves... Adults have closed minds.  They think they are watching everything.  They aren't watching.  They have got a routine way of looking. (Erickson, p.181)
-  It takes a long time to become young. (Picasso)

Be the master of your own destiny:
-  There is no teacher, the job has to be done by each person
-  We hear but we do not hear.  We see but we do not see.
-  Everyone wants to understand art.  Why not try to understand the song of a bird? (Picasso)
-  When the student is ready, teacher will appear (Sufi, Zen, also Erickson p.113)
-  Everything is a teacher (Yoshikawa)
-  Meet Buddha, kill Buddha! (zen saying)
-  It is the patient who does the therapy (Erickson p.106)

We find our own solution:
-  You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink (Proverb)
-  In the water, they cry for water. (Hakuin)
-  Gateless gate (Zen)
-  You cannot sleep?  Good. (Carry on.) (Goenka on meditation)
-  If you search for it, you will not find it (Yuima)
-  I do not search, I find (Picasso)

Find the answer in the middle of problem:
- In the middle of the delusion, find nirvana (Syoshinge)
- Training and enlightenment is one (Shysyouichinyo)

... and those above may point the character of this new hero's journey!  We are here to explore the meaning in our own life's experiences.

Welcome to the new beginning!       

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