Monday, May 14, 2012

Have Fun and Express Who We Are

I see playfulness, open mindedness, curiosity, following the bliss, intuition, creativity and wisdom are all related to each other.  Then, our hobby offers such a quality especially when we do not put emphasis on time or results.  If we are playful, we simply follow the bliss.  And, I hear in my heart that I should live like children in the sandbox.  Also, my intuition tells me that happy state of being is in tune with the songs of the nature and everything we do in living life can be seen in this fashion.  This is what I believe Confucius meant by saying: "at age 70, I followed my heart's desire without overstepping the boundaries of law."

What I also found profound is that even swordsmanship where life and death are at stake, this liveliness and playfulness can exist (at least many writings of masters of Zen and swordsmanship and my humble experience in Aikido indicate that).  So, from casual hobby of playing tennis (however, there is a moment when I put my 110%), to championship in golf, to management to swordsmanship, I see there is something in common as if finding creativity, liveliness and even love and compassion even in the extremity such as facing death.  I believe such experience leads to this saying when we break through the conventional wisdom: Man's extremity is God's opportunity.

Of course this is a paradox.  Playfulness and creativity while facing death - or never losing smile at any instance!  Or perhaps we may find that because of the state of extremity, we finally realize creativity, source of our existence, life energy, heart, love or compassion, etc. in its true sense - not any more in words or concept.  And such experience is what I like to call, the connection to the source so that our life is expressed in its most genuine manner!  There, we may find comfort and happiness in any situation we face, thus transcending the paradox.  The idea is not so much about the form of how we live, but whether or not we connect to the essence, which is invisible but essential to be truly and genuinely alive.

In hobby, we have light-hearted attitude.  Also, if we do what we like to do, there is more energy flows and liveliness felt - again when we follow the bliss.  When my son was about 17, I gave him my last advice, "Do what you like to do, and if that is to contribute to the society, perhaps you find a way to live while having fun. "

After all, don't you agree that quality at the source or heart, which everybody has, is utmost important?  And if or when we lose that connection, guess what?  You know the answer.  I sense a definite limit in our tendency toward instant gratification that I see more common these days.  We want to live truthfully.  I believe such is the path for our New Hero to take.

Good day, good journey,
Kiyoshi Suzaki


  1. I mentioned "playfulness" tied to hobby, etc. - the way of life with eternal smile. I found this site connects to such an idea:

    (The National Institute for Play unlocks the human potential through play in all stages of life using science to discover all that play has to teach us about transforming our world.)

  2. Another point is that in many company organizations, this playfulness (and celebration) is often missed. I used the term "kindergarten effect" in my New Shop Floor Management book. Last year, I visited a company in Peru where lots of ideas such as mini-company I described in my books are implemented and producing wonderful results. Still, one of my major comment in this visit was, "Why not celebrate, and have fun, share the progress, etc."

    I have said the same over many companies. BTW, the most wonderful company I felt using this idea was Honda (Ohio). I felt so attuned to the environment that I did not want to leave the company after my visit as I felt like I am leaving my home.
