Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Everything comes from that...

What I found fascinating is the same basic "principle" applies in psychology/hypnosis/therapy, Shop floor management/Lean/Toyota Production System, mini-company/master of destiny/creativity, brain development/biology, quantum physics/meditation, human relationship, path of spirituality/Way, and of course New Hero's Journey.

What I mean is the following symptom exists in all of those above:
- Attention to detail (concept often create barriers to see what is actually going on)
- Continuous improvement (Once the insight is gained, energy may build up for further advancement)
- Awareness and response (Quantum physics; observer is the observed)
- Small gets big, as energy flows, and life expresses itself on its own, given the setting - as a tree grows (everything is an expression of energy, dead or alive)
- Calm and quiet mind (awareness and equanimity) is the base/key (what is behind/unseen is compassion/love/absolute)

And what does that mean?
Saint-Exupéry says in Little Prince:
 "One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes. . ."

By the way, in 1939, Saint-Exupéry wrote, “Don’t you understand that somewhere along the way we have gone astray? . . . we lack something essential, which we find it difficult to describe. We feel less human; somewhere we have lost our mysterious prerogatives.” 

What is then the essence of such a principle (Law of universe, dhamma/dharma)?
I believe that is LIFE or Heart being the primary and us humans are to see it functioning in whatever we do, and be able to guide our action along with such path/law.  This is insight/wisdom all supported by Compassion - love of God (if I use that word).   Of course this is incomprehensible to the brain!  And there we find the human tragedy and all variations of the drama.

So as human, we come out of that source/primary (eating apple and chased out of the garden of Eden) yet to redirect us (through the eye of needle or gateless gate) to be connected to that, and express whatever makes sense according to the law (insight) and witness the marvel all in and around us with appreciation that we are one, connected with that.

In Zen, the expression pointing to this is:
All laws go back to one. (i.e., the principle, law)
Where does that one go?
A cloth weighing few pounds (Back to the manifested world; appreciate what we have such as warm cloth)


References (out of many):
- Milton Erickson* p198, 202 (relates to therapy/hypnosis) "My voice will go with you"
- My dialogue with Ohno of Toyota (known as Father of Toyota Production System)
- Experiences from Zen, vipassana meditation, etc.
- Three of my books (New Manufacturing Challenge, New shop floor management, Results from the Heart)

*  Erickson says: "Speak in the patient's language" "Join the patient" whereas I have said,"Speak the language of shop floor/customer" "Understand their world (for anyone to be effective to communicate - from the heart"  This is the same as, "become one with the problem" to go beyond the impasse, any insurmountable problem in life.  (Koan in Zen)

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