Monday, June 18, 2012

Man and Woman - Intellect and Emotion

There is a well-known Japanese saying: "When you let the emotion prevail, you will be swept away; When you let the intellect prevail, you will be too pointy like a sharp rock.  Either way, this world will be an uneasy place to live."  (Original words by Soseki Natsume)  The bottom line; we have to have a clear mind eye (the third eye) not to be swung by emotion or dwell too much on logic.  We need to find a balance/middle way.  Or, as Ho'oponopono may say, we are responsible for all happenings.

In this post, I want to share my view on man and woman, man representing logic (as in focus) and woman, emotion (as in dispersion).   OK, such may be an exaggeration.  Yet, going over my experience with woman and having gone through hurdles as if to solve a puzzle - like passing a Zen koan, I would like to characterize the difference of man and woman and offer possible solution.  If you do not like my characterization, you may just replace man as Kio (me) and woman as my girlfriend or partner (yes, this is my interpretation):

1)  Man tends to be focused on achieving his goal rather single mindedly, as in hunting deer.  He is focused and put all energy to achieve his goal as if the family depends on him to live.  This is in man's limbic system, programmed over millions of years.  If this is not accomplished, our life cannot be sustained.  So, all of his talent is focused on such task, and he cannot afford to diffuse his energy.  Any disruption to do so is seen as deterrent.  Bringing food to the table as well as finding the woman and procreate are two major focus in his life.  Developing a strategy to be very competitive/productive is in his genes.  One of my image then is a picture of billions of sperms trying to get to the egg.  Looks stupid in a way, reminding me of commuting in Tokyo subway decades ago when I did that, but in Rome you may need to do as Romans do.  So, let's leave it with that for now.

2)  Woman tend to be dispersed in taking care of varieties of tasks at home.  Preparing food, raising kids, taking care of sick, and creating/assuring the secure and nurturing home.  Of course, woman cannot do this if there is no man helping to provide the shelter and bring food.  So, there has been a division of labor between man and woman so that there is a shared responsibility to have harmonious whole like Yin and yang.  Of course, sexual intercourse is a representation of such unity and produce anew.  So, finding the right man is certainly critical for the couple to live fully and harmoniously - an eternal task lasting millions of years.  Woman entice man with all possible means (yet much more passively compared to man's assertiveness), making them attractive to man who meet her criteria.

Attracted like by magnet, millions of sperms swim toward the egg, 
one will get in and lock out the rest. 

So, woman competes for man like man does for woman as there are about the same number of woman as man.  Yet, woman's way seems to be in her subtle, obscure 'femininity' as if man gets hypnotized by their unknown attraction which is beyond the logic - commonly called as 'love.'  But wait!  As the civilization 'progresses,' and technology provide more means to pay attention to those subtle and obscure 'femininity,' have we not prepare our own demise by further creating an unbalance?  Here are some trends:
1) In these days, aren't there more woman than man to lay in the sun and go to yoga/pilates class, etc.?  Or, was it like that all the history?  Somehow, I do not think so.
2) Aren't there more single parent mother than any time in history, even raising kids by themselves?

Reflection about My Life's Journey (Short side trip)

Talking about the "progress(?)" of our civilization, we have more options to do so many things in life.  This is tied to information overload.  Yet, if not careful, aren't there more room for confusion as to how we live our life?  Where is the harmony in life?  Aren't we too opportunistic materially and else - even spiritually?  If we are not careful, we hit wall somewhere, somehow - eventually, and that is the reason to go through this what I call "new hero's journey," isn't it?

Yes, there is an end to our freedom of choice.  It is built in in our own mind when we notice it.  In other words, freedom is not liberation so far as we extend externally too much.  It is as if ego expands its own limit infinitely.  Greed connected to freedom is not freedom, it is a bind to our own ego.  So, I offered that Life Profile was a way to find the balance we needed to have as I realized after my spiritual experience (compared to that of Eckhart Tolle).

But, taking this opportunity, let me quickly review, what has been 'my' life's journey all about?  Starting with the escape from Tokyo as I wanted to explore the world, and to find more meaningful job/life experiences.  I fought against competition to do this and that, then divorce and re-marriage, and next, more altruistic mission to contribute to the society's future through business, writing books, producing videos, traveling to 40+ countries, and making money, and raising family along the way.  Then, I started to lose interest at work after accomplishing my original mission to come to the US.  Why?  Because why repeat what I knew already?

So, I went deep into my inner search, followed by spiritual awakening, and to realize new orientation toward simple, quiet life.  After several years of peace and serenity, and another separation/divorce, and I am back into the world with new orientation as if to find a new relationship with this world - to confirm the true love as the base.... and I am writing, reflecting... externally and internally....connect to True Love...distinguish primary and secondary... I am revisiting all of these in this blog... and to synthesize the entire field of my trip as I keep moving live truthfully and sincerely.

Man and Woman - and True Love

Now, with those as background, let's look into man-woman relationship.  Whether hunting deer or conducting business, man has to make judgment to go right or left often at the moment notice and this is in our genes - at least so I feel.  For example, although I need not to be too uptight as I age and with certain financial security, if I see my son goofing off, I do not feel comfortable even if I may not say anything to him.

But what about the case of a woman where she is already financially troubled but is confined due to her lack of attention or aptitude in running her business?  When I was explaining to her the way out of the trouble in a sincere manner, she mentioned suddenly such things as...  "the western sky looks so beautiful,"  "I see a couple enjoying their time at the other table," "Let me check what is in the refrigerator," etc.  I just could not understand when she could divert her attention from serious talk that may impact her future to something totally unrelated.  (However, we may say that she was living the now as opposed to be occupied in thinking like I probably was, then.)

I cannot generalize this as common trait to all women, but my male friends supported my view and agreed that men and women are so different.  Again, men are more focused and logically oriented whereas women tend to be more dispersed and emotionally driven.  Another friend pointed that women are typically like this: "She goes to kitchen to eat lunch, but on her way she found plants need watering, but while watering, she remembered to send an e-mail.  And as she finished e-mail, she wanted to clean up the room so she did,,,, and forgot to eat lunch until very late.

Whether tied to our limbic system or not, men and women are so different.  As to the talk about her business, I realized that I was too caught up in it due to its urgency.  Committed to help, yet, it could be seen as if my ego wanting to run her life even though I believed in self-management.  Seeing where each of us were, I resigned to help in a very committed manner, and created a space in between us.  It was a hard decision to make because it might open up more unknowns leading to the end of our relationship.

So, facing such difficulty and not seeing what can be done any more, I sent this text to her:  "Whatever happens between us, I love you as you are."  It is the same to say, "Although I feel my hands are tied (i.e., things are out of my control and we may be separated because of that), my heart is with you - always."  What I realized is, this is the same as, there are ripples and waves in the realm of secondary, but connected to the Primary, or True Love, which is the eternal base of our being, they are just ripples and waves - not too overpowering any more.  (I call such state as mirror mind)

And paradoxical as this may sound, while there may be sadness when things do not work out, or feel that my hands are tied (ripples or waves - secondary), yet, at the same time, I realized that there is this infinite reserves of Love - true love (ocean - primary).  So, I may cry when something happens, but with deep smile to accept all and extend my love to everywhere without any sign of negative feeling.  That is what I mean, when I say, "I love you."  If I have ego as if to look for something in return, I realize that I cannot say so.  To me, that corresponds to what I call "Living truthfully."

Perhaps some may view my stance as idealistic or even naive, yet, truly and genuinely I felt that I reached the true love, accepting who she is even if there are many areas of disagreement in how we use our mind.

As reference, here are words of Eckhart Tolle re: compassion:
"At... deep level, compassion becomes healing...  In that state, your healing influence is primarily based not on doing but on being.... When you are fully present and people around you manifest unconscious behavior, you won't feel the need to react to it, so you do not give it any reality.  Your peace is so vast and deep that anything that is not peace disappears into it as if it had never existed... You become the "light of the world," an emanation of pure consciousness, and so you eliminate suffering on the level of cause.  You eliminate unconscious from the world."  (p.167 Eckhart Tolle, Power of Now)

* Note: I see the above discussion of compassion/true love connected to Levenson (actionlessness = being) Aikido (state of "centering" or "invisible") and Ho'ponopono (100% responsibility).

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