Saturday, April 28, 2012

Over the Hurdles, and Realize our Dream...

Over years, there are many words that brought inspiration and spirit of conviction to me.  They include,

Imagination is power -  Einstein
If you can imagine, you can make it - Walt Disney
What is desirable and right is not impossible - Ford
There are infinite ways (into our future) - Matsushita

Or how about this one by Edison, Genius is 1%inspiration and 99% perspiration.  I believe if there is no  imagination to benefit the people of the world, he would not have reached to such a statement.  So, I would say, if there is needs there are ways. No question! Such is the law of nature.  And, what is life if there is no spirit to explore to the unknown?  I see this is in our DNA as Living beings.

This applies to individual as well as the group of people who share the dream:

From P.234 New Shop Floor Management (by Kiyoshi Suzaki)

In my book, New Shop Floor Management, I brought a new way of  managing the shop floor and to develop an integrated, coherent process of management throughout the company - with the idea I called; "min-company" (aiming for self-management).  As this name suggests, in mini-company, everyone is seen as the president of his area of responsibility.  Actually, whether managing the company or managing one's personal life, the process is essentially the same.  One can apply the idea even to relationship, hobby, health, etc. It is the vision toward that imagination that matters.  Then, we can figure our way to achieve that dream.

"If you want to build a ship, don't gather your people and ask them to provide wood, prepare tools, assign tasks, ... Just call them together and raise in their minds the longing for the endless sea." 
- Antoine de Saint ExupĂ©ry  (p.13, NSFM)

Today's world is filled with change and uncertainty....In fact, changes happening in the business world may have a traumatic impact if they result in sudden layoffs or bankruptcy. If we are foresighted and prepared, however, these changes can provide increased opportunities for utilizing our potential. Instead of riding in stormy seas, we can alter our course and find a clear path through them...
"Even if we cannot change the direction of wind, we can trim our sails to get where we want to go." [We are] to prepare ourselves for such turbulent times by developing skills to manage the situation better and explore a better work life.

Meeting with Mr. Ohno (Known as the Father of Toyota Production System (TPS))
In one meeting with Mr. Ohno, we walked around the shop floor, and discussed various points related to TPS - now a renowned system or I should say philosophy, recognized by the whole world.  To end our meeting that day, he gave me two calligraphy, using a traditional Japanese ink brush.  One of them read, "Challenge." The other, "Beyond conventional belief."  To this, I thanked and mentioned, that I like these as I like Don Quiote's spirit of reaching the unreachable star.  Mr. Ohno immediately pointed, "But you have to bring out the result."  I will never forget this meeting with Ohno.

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