Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Deeper Level of Connection and Communication

Previously, I said primary relationship was the relationship with True self, Heart, God (if I may use this term), Infinite potential, or the Law - as if to connect with the source of compassion and wisdom --- and to find peace, happiness and harmony.  This may sound funny but it is developing the connection with Heart which we already have.  In any case, we are here to explore ways to develop that relationship, i.e., how to develop the deeper level of connection as if to find a special communication channel.

Generally, we know communication is multifaceted. There is verbal, and there is nonverbal which appeals to five senses.   Yet, from old days, Oriental philosophers said that we have 'sixth sense' to detect the Law of nature on top of five senses.  (Note this is somewhat different from typically used sixth sense as in extrasensory perception or ESP)  We are not what we are as solely captured on the mind movement.  For example, Hypnotist Milton Erickson's observed people while he was immobilized with polio.  People's "yes" in word may be "no" in body language, he said.  We know this in our own experience.  And if so, there may be a conflict of communication within oneself.  Also, how may we detect and address it?  If this is the conflict we have with Heart, may we simply ignore it?

Previously, with posts such as; primary relationship, 50 CM Problem (Brain and Heart)Hypnosis and Aikido, we looked into the deeper level of our being and how our Heart, or True self, may be expressed.  Yes, easy to say, but we need to practice this while our living condition changes constantly - not just within ourselves but also to communicate with others in the most truthful manner.  Such is the nature of communication and connection I believe we should go after.

In business settings, I point to managers that if their mind is disturbed, reactionary, or negatively conditioned, the impact to their organization and the business results could be huge.  I also say, "the shop floor reflects the mind of managers." (The New Shop Floor Management)  In other words, manager's mind is reflected on how people at the shop floor behave.  It shows in people's motivation, the level of housekeeping, quality of products and services, and cost and timeliness of job.  "If the top water is muddy, it cascades down to the rest of the organization."  So, I conduct a short meditation session with managers to be more aware of having the quality of calm and quiet mind.  The situation is no different in any organization, e.g., family.

Many spiritual teachers emphasize, "You need to address yourself first before helping others."  And if we do this successfully always ourselves first, we should be able to bring out the insight and compassion naturally in our daily life.  The title of my book, "Results from the Heart" points this internal link being utmost important to get the results that have meaning.  Brain should communicate with Heart, not act independently.

Previously, I used the Cross of Jesus as reference, i.e., primary (Know Thyself) and secondary (Know Others).  If we see us functioning in these two dimensions, we may see our communication in a different fashion, orienting that, ultimately, everything needs to be aligned connected to the Heart.  This is the meaning of "Living Truthfully," in the post on Life Profile.

An Image of Communication and Connection at Deeper Level

So, how do we connect to the Heart and how do we know if we are actually connected?  Remember? This connection/communication refers the "sixth sense," Asian philosophers mentioned.  When we use that sense with "a calm and quiet mind.", we may be able to say we are living truthfully - connected to the Heart.  Of course, this connection is something each one of us to find.  My view is that there is liveliness or bliss we feel when we are connected, perhaps vibration as inner body sensation.  There is an intuitive feel to it.  More we experience this, we may connect and expand as if into this new dimension more often, like opening the third eye.

Here are indicative signs of being connected to Heart as I see it, i.e., my experience;

-  Sense of being in present, here and now, choiceless observation, witnessing
-  Vivid sense of inner body sensation, aliveness, liveliness 
(cells jumping around as if very happily)
-  Calm, clear and quiet mind; beginner's mind, no mind, mirror mind
-  Soft eyes...see without seeing - very intuitive, third eye as if opening up a new channel
-  Body/muscle is totally relaxed; There is a sense of effortlessness; no strains felt
-  no ego/self; desirelessness, actionlessness
-  It is as if a new channel opens up by itself from deep within (a new sense of connection)
-  Feeling of all answers are already there (there is no doubt or question any more)
-  Mind and body are felt as one; no boundaries; I am you; I am one with the universe
-  Sense of serenity, peace, arriving/being at home, nothing is missing
-  Wisdom and compassion come naturally; delusions/sufferings/errors are nowhere to find
-  Sense of living truthfully (connection to the Law, the Way); sense of being absolute, imperturbability
-  Sense of Ki (Life energy) manifesting; Blissful sensation spreading over
-  Sense of connection to unconscious/infinite potential (connection of external and internal)
-  Sense of oneness; non-duality
-  Sense of mind and body being 'healthy' and 'genuine'
-  Sense of everything seen as vivid and alive (inside and outside)
-  Sense of love, bliss, and intimacy to all 
-  Sense of time distortion (as if time lost its meaning)

Signs of benefits/awareness:
-  Brain and Heart find a connection
-  Heart to heart  communication between people is possible
-  This deeper level communication may be manifested as wisdom and compassion
-  Paradox of human existence is resolved (in oneness)
-  Bliss in various activities, e.g., work, hobby, relationship, health, and the sense of genuine security in any situation 
-  Discover new meaning of intimacy, e.g., sexual union, non-sexual relationship, Aikido, etc.  The list is infinite.
-  All of these corresponds to "living truthfully"

To sum up, however hard we may feel at times, and however is the thorny bush we may have to go through, the path we are taking as new heroes is precisely for its own good.  It should become more and more self evident as we move on.

1 comment:

  1. We're beyond hero's journey already:
