Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life Profile 1: A Powerful Tool to Navigate Our Life

This simple tool, I call Life Profile (LP), will help guide our path while better utilizing our talent, enjoying and appreciating life.   Specifically, it will enable us to manage our life better in such areas as work, hobby, relationship, health, and finance, while orienting us to live truthfully.  Also, it helps us to balance various activities in life as if plant grows in an organic fashion given its setting, e.g., sun, wind, insect, water, etc.  Then, through engaging in various activities and relationships with LP as a tool, we engage our life toward new possibilities (New DNAs) with partner(s).  

Essentially, through the use of this tool, we start to realize how our life energy flows in a balanced manner even to find us engaging in the manifestation of dynamic energy flow of the whole universe.  So, we can call LP linked to primary relationship, connection to the heart, law of universe.  Or, if I use religious terms, this may correspond to Tao, following the order from heaven (ten-mei), live in the kingdom of heaven.  (Note: the concept of mini-company is a representation of such a dynamic process in a company setting to self-manage while LP is applied for each person to live as the master of destiny. We can do this by; listen to the heart, use our brain, and follow the bliss.  Or, live truthfully.  This is the hero's journey)

If there is a strategy to live our life to the fullest, LP is a tool to assist that.  It can help "monitor" what is happening and how the strategy is working.  Then, it will help "come up with insight", and "find the course" (or strategy) into the future so that we can chart our way in the direction that makes sense, perhaps, as we follow the bliss.

Now, let's take a look at where we are. Thanks to technology and marketing among others, many of us may have developed a habit of seeking for instant gratification, i.e.,quick for everything or blindly reacting to stimuli.  More this, more that; we develop a bad habit. Then, "quantity" become more important, e.g., money, fame, title (may I add sex here as well?). I remember one friend when he was in his thirties he was counting the number of sex he would have in the rest of his life. Fine. But what about quality, or genuine intimacy to "Life"? Without understanding the meaning are we to live as if being chased to do various tasks? If so, do we really feel "alive," appreciating each day, each moment?  Do we hear the song of a bird, see a flower blooming at the roadside, and discover all the miracles happening around us, even to realize that we are the miracle?!

Certainly, we need to have a clear and balanced perspective in life. If we are caught up with small stuff or swung by stimulation, we waste our energy, lose balance, and quality in life will deteriorate. More untruthful actions we take, more wired our brain will be with bad closed circuit. Eventually, we will have to pay it back. All action has consequences if our mind eyes are closed. But if so, what do we do? How do we live our life? I believe the answer is found by having a calm and quiet mind. In other words, with quality in our mind, and observing things as they really are and coming up with insight, we can lead a quality life. Without clear mind, we are blindfolded, unable to see what is going on, and what we are to do in an intelligent and compassionate manner.

If the above point is clear, then how do we use our mind?  Einstein said, "Ask the right question." I think one good question may be to ask, "What is going on?" or "So what? (What is the meaning?)" to get to the core and clarify the meaning. In other words, connect to the heart to find why we are here for (mission) and what we are to do. This is new hero's journey. Ultimately, it is a moment to moment practice. However, we can use LP as an important tool to orient us. More we use this tool, we can balance our life better and find the real meaning.

In the following post, we will look into the specifics of this tool, I call, Life Profile (LP).

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