Saturday, June 9, 2012

Art, Life and True Love

Here is an e-mail correspondence with my Aikido friend - first about Art and then what I call "True love," or primary relationship, the connection I discussed in the previous post:

(From Laura)

I have been sculpting for 2or 3 years now.
Well, aikido is a martial ART, is it not? A movement art.
So what does being artful mean? To me it means staying in the
moment and allowing  your experience of subtle dimensions to take shape in physical form.
To describe peace or beauty in form or action. To act from the void, see how it comes through you.
A lot of people call personal expression art, describing neurosis (Throwing up on a canvas)
and expecting the viewer to appreciate you for your creativity!! I don't call that art. Art is to teach!
To have the viewer (or experiencer) appreciate something beyond himself.
So aikido is a movement art. We try to stay centered and open to peace coming through KI
(energy) and guiding our actions, so that the viewer or partner, is changed by joining with you in the interaction.
Form follows energy which follows thought. The creation of anything comes from the idea or vision forming
the blueprint for the next denser dimension of energy (behavior,action, ki) to move and the densest form
rides or takes the shape of the action.

Here is another movement art I am involved in. You're going to laugh.


Well.. if so,,,, we can say that our life is itself an art, right?  Of
course!! You will agree!!!!

Yet, may I hear your view on LIFE if I may?

(From Laura)

Oh boy! Don't get me started!  Of course life is an artistic event.
I am the medium. WHO IS THE ARTIST?

I don't have time for writing poetry. I play cello and garden also.
I told E that, If I beg for cooking lessons, to tell me NO.

I do love poetry. My favorite poet is Rumi:

Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened.
Don't open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down 
a musical instrument. Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth.

I would love to kiss you.
The price of kissing is your life!
Now my love is running toward my life shouting,
What a bargain, let's buy it!

May I hear some of your poetry?

An Image of Art, Life, and True Love - i.e., New Hero's Journey

Oh Luara...Don't get me started....
I wrote many... but before that,  let me tell you my most favorite of all, Kabir - 17

and well....Here is one I wrote re: True Love

True Love

True love is unconditional
and accept everything as is

While in meditation, I re-discovered this unconditional love
and re-witnessed its miracle

When I meditate
simply observing what is going on...

there is that sensation in me that responds to my observation
Everywhere I observe, my body cells are happily jumping right then and there...

as if given an encouragement to play like children...
they are genuinely happy as they are

This is a joy of being touched by love... true love...
at the molecular levels, yet it extends to the end of the universe

In that sensation, I realize...
love is found and realized in total acceptance of what is happening

but, not like we may think of love...
as in the conventional manner

As we accept everything as it is and we are in tune with it...
everywhere, and unconditionally, love is prevailing

because it is simply a happening of absolute
Thy will be done.

We witness this as we meditate...
or whenever our mind is still

That sensation/power is universal
you, me and everyone, everywhere

When we witness that happening...
we realize that we are the Life itself –  fully alive!

and True Love is also realized...
as the foundation of life

With its compassionate and creative energy...
love heals everything, and create anew

Being one with Love
we realize that there is no single error in us

Floating in the swell of love,
we witness all sufferings and scars disappear!

In that sweet power of love,
nothing can resist but to surrender

And, as we surrender to love,
Love takes over

Ego is broken,
and the burdens we have carried explodes into a mist of speckles...

We see everything is connected, and melt into one, the absolute unity...
No duality, no good/bad, right/wrong, you/me, any more

Because it is as it is when love/absolute prevails as it should

How ridiculous, the mind may speak...
but, in that intimacy, such voice has no place to be!

So, you, me, the lucky ones...
simply float in that infinite swell of love, and witness the magic
being played out

Enjoy the taste of nectar called love
heal all the wounds, and be reborn as this magic takes over


When we realize True Love
All words lose their meaning, yet there is nothing missing any more!

After the healing and rebirth...
there is continued healing and rebirth...


Note: So, within what we think is love (called here as bilateral/horizontal
connection) is this True Love ready to emanate when the connection is
made in each individual.  Once, this is found, tested, and confirmed,
the sparks generated there may be found as most genuine - incomparable
to none.

This is the world of nirvana realized in the awakening of true love.
Yet, since we are as we are as humans, dusts accumulate and the
connection to the source may be weakened or lost.  So, the travelers
of life, be aware, find the right path, confirm the foundation, and
let True Love prevail!


(Note on Aikido terms:
-  uke: attacker with aggression
-  nage: one responding with aiki (do) - way of nature to harmonize all... with compassion)


Oh well done!

I should say well carried through, right?
I understand the difference between human love and divine love to be the absence or presence of a sense of separation from home.

Divine love being unity with the void, knowing where home is so securely that it overflows
in gratitude and love of life. Human love being a desperate grasping to be loved from another
because we feel separate from our source.Thus the human drama, the source of most of the
stories and movies and songs in pop culture.

The way we move and interact on the aikido mat is a moving meditation.
Since we are always filled with love, abundance and possibility, when we move in an
open full manner, every cell expressing confidence, higher power, KI, it feels like FLOATING..

When, as nage, we doubt the presence of ki, we squeeze for personal power, using our upper body and arms to manipulate uke.  When uke is treated like this, he has to defend himself with his own personal power, it ignites a fight. When the KI inside nage touches the KI inside uke, there is no separation. Only a sense of freedom.

Oh! Something natural is happening! It awakens uke to the source of power present throughout his whole body.
We're teaching as we touch and interact. Life long study! Same in any true art. Is there anything better to do in life?
                                        Your friend,

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