If you want to catch someone's attention, the quickest way may be to talk something about sex. In the meantime, influenced by TV, instant message and texting, etc., more people seem to be for instant gratification. Quick everything!! Even for sex?! Oh, no!!! I need at the least 1.5 hours! (Have I caught your attention?) But seriously, if you are familiar with Tantric and Daoist sex, you know what I mean. When we are totally absorbed in the act, whether sex, meditation, or else, there are experiences of being in the zone, intimacy, samadhi, oneness, or whatever you may call it. And..., I also see playfulness, ecstasy and liveliness there although at the end it is beyond any description of words.
As I see it, in that state is yhe creativity where different elements come together to create a new meaning. This, I would like to call the experience of "the absolute affirmation of life." Yet, if having sex is an ego-driven act, and not tied to intimacy (both within oneself and between the two), we may not experience the connection to the core of our life, the miracle of two melting together. It is simple; intimacy can not come from ego. So, this connection is about the "primary relationship," I mentioned in the previous post.
Now, Aikido is known as martial art originated from Japan by Morihei Ueshita (1883 – 1969). It is translated as "the way of harmony with the spirit/energy of the universe.” Literally, it means "the way of meeting of Ki, the life energy" (this may sounds far-fetched for some but do you sense the common ground between sex and Aikido?) And I found Aikido is much more than a conventional view of Martial Art as I realized in the interview video with Philip Stearns, 25-year veteran and Sen-sei (teacher), whom I met on the hiking trail the other day, and videotaped him later in that afternoon. If you are intuitive, you may find the connection between sex, meditation and Aikido without much difficulty (11 min.).
Here are selected quotes of Philip Stearns from this video:
"Aikido is about connecting to the heart"
"I am responsible to what is happening there as I can change myself which affects the outcome."
"There is intimacy with sensation that we experience in nature"
In this video, I also commented to my experience in meditation, quoting the Zen saying; "Melting of the boundaries, mind and body had fallen off." It was as if having sex, or become one with the universe. Resonated from this encounter with Philip, few days later, I joined Aikido club in Santa Monica, and more confirmation has been made with what I call here, the new hero's journey.
In essence, what is being confirmed is about all activities in life can be based on compassion for betterment, even to the enemies. Gozo Shioda, one of the most prominent teachers in history of Aikido says, when he was asked, "What is your strongest skill in Aikido?" He said, "The enemy who came to kill me becomes my friend!"
On the journey, our hero may look at the external as well as internal (mind/body/spirit) and find a good connection (path) such that there is a way for a good balance and harmony. We want to be happy as well as those others surrounding us. We are linked with each other like in a intricate web. We are whole (if look internally) and at the same time part of the whole (if look externally) and there is exchange of Ki (life energy) among all. We are all connected. And we have this innate ability to feel that connection, and express what is to be expressed through sex, Aikido, meditation, or else in the most genuine manner. This is the life's miracles; and we are the miracles ourselves. We can feel it, we can cultivate it, and we can live our life accordingly, following the bliss.
In sex, and in any intimate relationship, the New DNA (mentioned previously) may be cultivated and it builds the entirely new potential and new found meaning in it. Intimacy, and joy of sex is but a scene of the life energy finding ways to explore the new horizon - as we experience the same in meditaion, and Aikido, just to name a few. May we, as new hero's, therefore, explore this wonder of life?! My answer is; why not? Properly done, I believe sex, aikido and all of our life's experience can teach us who we are and what we can do as we follow the bliss in our new hero's journey.
I found this on the web:
ReplyDeleteAikido produces maximum effectiveness with minimal effort through harmonious relationship. A master in the art of Aikido or in the business of living uses the energy in any situation to attain their desired goal, as a sailor uses the wind. By harmonizing or aligning their sails with changes in the wind, a sailor reaches their desired destination regardless of the direction the wind is blowing. When we harmonize with it, the energy that might have distressed us becomes a source of power. When we can align properly energies that might have blown us off course help us accomplish our bestowed mission.
- from http://www.aiki-extensions.org/pubs/life_in_three_easy_lessons.pdf