Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Hero and his Primary Relationship

In life, I see there are two major relationships; primary and secondary.  Without primary, secondary is like a mirage, i.e., lost meaning.  Primary is the relationship with True self, Heart, God (if I may use this term), Infinite potential, or the Law- as if to find the source of compassion and wisdom - or happiness and harmony.  Secondary is our relationship we typically talk about in this world.  The symbol of Cross in Christianity seems to symbolize these relationship; one is vertical (Primary) and the other horizontal (Secondary).  Although tricky to discuss, I see primary is more internal, and subjective (spirit/heart/unconscious) while secondary is more external, and objective (mind/brain/conscious).  Many religions around the world seem to point to the same 'place' although their expressions may be different.  (But, no worries, I am not to talk about any religion here.)

Then, over years, I also noticed that mastery of any discipline seems to be, at the end, a lot to do with the Primary whether it is art, sports, science, management or else.  For anyone to attain the level of mastery (i.e., taking care of things with effortless effort - as if it is a divine/magical touch), one needs to look into the depth of one's own self to go beyond greed, fear, anger, ignorance, and delusion - and break through the ego to connect to that primary source - so to speak.  Thus, "know thyself" and mastery are closely related.

Now, if I am to get into a relationship with a woman, seeking ways to find harmony and meaning in creating a life together - bonding with love, I call manifesting such potential, with a term New DNA.  As obvious as it should be, such potential cannot be realized if we are self-centered, or ego driven.  So, any 'genuine' relationship is at the end a relationship with true self, a primary relationship.  This is not just for couples but any type of organizations.  Then, new DNA is like a representation of their mission.

In my book, Results from the Heart, I proposed the idea of "Mini-Company" where everyone is viewed as the president of his or her own mini-company.  Here again, self-centered way does not work as mini-company can exist only when customers are satisfied.  So, mini-company is an idea pointing to self-management, so that we can all become the masters of destiny, no matter what situation we get into.  Then, if we can manage our own mini-company well and prove that to ourselves and others aiming to accomplish the mission, we may find us the master of destiny.  So, self mastery, self-management, and be the master of destiny are all inter-related.

Now, can you guess what is "self" in self-management anyway?  In its truest sense, I see it should be the "true self,"  divine, the law of the universe, or the absolute.  We can appreciate such connection once we have experienced the moment of bliss, miracle, the sense of absolute.  Or this may be like a "zone" experience one may have in intimacy when he or she is in tune with the song of the universe - so to speak, at that special moment.  Such is the connection to the primary.  Yet, knowing this is no use.  We are to prove the connection as if riding a wave from moment to moment.

So, primary is the foundation, and secondary relationship cannot be sustainable without the primary.  In other words, if primary relationship is in danger, we should forgo the secondary.  It is the connection to the heart:

Everything else can wait but the search for God cannot wait, (George Harrison /  Paramahansa Yogananda)

Here, you may ask, how do we find the true self, heart, or God?  At minimum, I suggest that we have a calm and quiet mind.  Without that, our judgement will be flawed, and our behavior and destiny will reflect that.  In summary, new hero's need to have a good antenna to detect what is going on externally as well as to be able to sense the connection with heart, internally - at the same time.  After all, everything is (to be) connected to the base/heart, where wisdom and compassion originates.  Yes, this is ideal but my view is that our whole existence is to be connected to that, and to do that in everything in life is the New Hero's Journey.

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