Thursday, May 31, 2012

Life Profile - 2: How to Use the Tool

If we pay attention to all happenings in life, yet still have a balanced perspective, we may have a right outlook on our life. i.e., what is important and why. We can then learn to act accordingly, and see how we are doing so that we can navigate our life better in a balanced manner. Diligently living like this over time, we may realize how we are expressing who we are and what our life's journey is all about.

Such overall balance of life's activities is assessed by "Life Profile," in which I propose to look into six key items: i.e., work, hobby, relationship, health, finance and living truthfully. We then assess these items by rating Importance (1 to 10) and the level of satisfaction (1 to 10) for each item. (You may add or remove item or subdivide one as you find it fit.)

To move forward with this idea, we can utilize a well known concept called PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) used in Total Quality Management. The idea is to assure continuous improvement in what we do as situation changes. Although this is commonly called PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), it should start with Check (i.e., check what is going on, or what have happened) then, Act (if OK, keep going, or if not, figure out the reason why). Then, the next step is Plan (develop plan according to the analysis of the situation). After implementation of the plan, which is Do, we check the outcome (Check), and this cycle of PDCA continues. (BTW, If we start with plan without checking what is going on, such plan may be like a dream without foundation. Not necessarily bad, but not recommended because such idea may not reflect bring out the intelligence we need to face the reality.

If you remember, this process may be seen as a sail boat aiming for a destiny with PDCA cycle done every so often (See the post, "Over the Hurdles, and Realize our Dream...") To illustrate what we discussed above, the table below shows an example of Life Profile. In this example, Relationship divided into two categories, i.e., with T (partner) and with others (family members, etc). Note that I used color coding to expose problem to catch our eyes, red indicates there is room for improvement, green is doing well (not shown here). The far right column indicates the relative balance among these items, which is, Importance rating multiplied by Satisfaction rating.

The exhibit below shows the same information shown in a chart form.  There are other ways to show the Life Profile.  For example, with historical trend, spider diagram, etc.  You may use such charts as you prefer or just start with the table.  The idea is to do this every month, three months or every year, but consistency is important.  Of course, what is also critical is to come up with Plans to address areas to improve the performance.  (I may come back to planning later)  For now, I suggest you to take 20-30 min. to do this exercise with calm and quiet mind, and find out how your life is balanced and moving forward.  Simply filling out the table may bring awareness as to how your life is balanced or not, and why (and what needs to be done).

Note:  Although I have not read yet, Clayton Christensen's book,"how will you measure your life?" became a recent best seller, perhaps pointing to the similar concern as I mentioned above.

Note: Since LP has much depth than what is described above, interested reader may explore this by actually applying this in life and gain insight (In conjunction with the idea of PDCA) as you live your life.  Repetition is mother of success.  As riding a bicycle, it takes few turns (few repeated trial) to start to get an idea and possibly a smooth ride.  (Note, any human will encounter many bumps in life.  What is needed is a good sensing/monitoring mechanism and willingness/ability to overcome these bumps so that you lead your life as the master of destiny.  Nobody will do this for you.  You are the master of your own life, you should not be the slave of the situation you are in.  

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life Profile 1: A Powerful Tool to Navigate Our Life

This simple tool, I call Life Profile (LP), will help guide our path while better utilizing our talent, enjoying and appreciating life.   Specifically, it will enable us to manage our life better in such areas as work, hobby, relationship, health, and finance, while orienting us to live truthfully.  Also, it helps us to balance various activities in life as if plant grows in an organic fashion given its setting, e.g., sun, wind, insect, water, etc.  Then, through engaging in various activities and relationships with LP as a tool, we engage our life toward new possibilities (New DNAs) with partner(s).  

Essentially, through the use of this tool, we start to realize how our life energy flows in a balanced manner even to find us engaging in the manifestation of dynamic energy flow of the whole universe.  So, we can call LP linked to primary relationship, connection to the heart, law of universe.  Or, if I use religious terms, this may correspond to Tao, following the order from heaven (ten-mei), live in the kingdom of heaven.  (Note: the concept of mini-company is a representation of such a dynamic process in a company setting to self-manage while LP is applied for each person to live as the master of destiny. We can do this by; listen to the heart, use our brain, and follow the bliss.  Or, live truthfully.  This is the hero's journey)

If there is a strategy to live our life to the fullest, LP is a tool to assist that.  It can help "monitor" what is happening and how the strategy is working.  Then, it will help "come up with insight", and "find the course" (or strategy) into the future so that we can chart our way in the direction that makes sense, perhaps, as we follow the bliss.

Now, let's take a look at where we are. Thanks to technology and marketing among others, many of us may have developed a habit of seeking for instant gratification, i.e.,quick for everything or blindly reacting to stimuli.  More this, more that; we develop a bad habit. Then, "quantity" become more important, e.g., money, fame, title (may I add sex here as well?). I remember one friend when he was in his thirties he was counting the number of sex he would have in the rest of his life. Fine. But what about quality, or genuine intimacy to "Life"? Without understanding the meaning are we to live as if being chased to do various tasks? If so, do we really feel "alive," appreciating each day, each moment?  Do we hear the song of a bird, see a flower blooming at the roadside, and discover all the miracles happening around us, even to realize that we are the miracle?!

Certainly, we need to have a clear and balanced perspective in life. If we are caught up with small stuff or swung by stimulation, we waste our energy, lose balance, and quality in life will deteriorate. More untruthful actions we take, more wired our brain will be with bad closed circuit. Eventually, we will have to pay it back. All action has consequences if our mind eyes are closed. But if so, what do we do? How do we live our life? I believe the answer is found by having a calm and quiet mind. In other words, with quality in our mind, and observing things as they really are and coming up with insight, we can lead a quality life. Without clear mind, we are blindfolded, unable to see what is going on, and what we are to do in an intelligent and compassionate manner.

If the above point is clear, then how do we use our mind?  Einstein said, "Ask the right question." I think one good question may be to ask, "What is going on?" or "So what? (What is the meaning?)" to get to the core and clarify the meaning. In other words, connect to the heart to find why we are here for (mission) and what we are to do. This is new hero's journey. Ultimately, it is a moment to moment practice. However, we can use LP as an important tool to orient us. More we use this tool, we can balance our life better and find the real meaning.

In the following post, we will look into the specifics of this tool, I call, Life Profile (LP).

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hypnosis and Aikido - 2

In this post, we will look further into the core of Hypnosis and the art of Aikido.  The main focus is for us to know our human psyche better and orient us to change our behavior aiming for an enriched life.  Although some points may be seen as technical, or even counter intuitive for some, I am hopeful that this type of inquiry may possibly bring an eye-opening moment even for hard-nosed managers, power-hungry dictators or even  insensitive bureaucrats.
 (Did I say too much?)  Here, we will focus on two areas:

1)  Use of "Unfocused gaze" or "Soft eyes" (use of peripheral vision) as a way of intuitively assessing the situation by picking up the non-verbal cues:

"Peripheral vision is known to activate the body’s parasympathetic nervous system which decreases the heart and breathing rate.   The therapist then enters a state of deep relaxation and becomes centred.  At this point they become absorbed ‘in the moment’ and develop an almost spontaneous and unconscious response to the client’s behaviour where a conscious deliberation of which techniques to use becomes unnecessary.  The therapist has, in effect, freed themselves of technique and acts intuitively to assist the client.

Similarly the therapist can track discreet physiological shifts and movements in their patient and use this to increase rapport.  By matching the clients breathing rate, posture and voice the therapist can gain a stronger position of trust and influence at the unconscious level.  Peripheral vision allows for an entire range of physiological subtleties to be observed without overt eye movements.

In the martial arts classic ‘The Book of Five Rings’, Miyamoto Musashi said a true swordsman must see far away events as if near and near events as if from far away.  Specifically he highlighted two types of vision: ‘Ken’ and ‘Kan’.  Ken can be likened to fovial or tunnel vision which observes superficial activity.  However Kan is peripheral vision which perceives the underlying essence of things.   For Mushashi, Ken is like seeing with the eyes whereas Kan is seeing with the mind.

The ‘Kan’ state is reflected in the aikido principle of ‘know your partners mind’.  This basically states that knowing an attackers intention will provide a quicker and more effective defence than any rapid physical movement.   In the same sense, intuitively perceiving the client’s problem will allow for a more appropriate and responsive intervention in hypnotherapy." 

- From Hypnosis, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, and Aikido

As mentioned at the end of the previous post, it points to the state of "no-ego," or having a "calm and quiet mind." while observing everything as they really are - not what they appear on surface.  By cultivating our entire mind-body in this manner, we can become more intuitive and insightful in assessing the situation so that wisdom and compassion can be better manifested. (i.e., truth reveals on its own when the screen of our mind is thrown away)

2)  The way to handle a difficult situation in a skillful manner:

Hypnotherapist, Erickson says: "There are many types of difficult patients who seek psychotherapy and yet are openly hostile... and unwill­ing to accept the therapy they have come to seek . . .[yet]  such resistance should be ... graciously accepted, since it is a vitally important communication of a part of their problems and often can be used as an opening into their defenses."

In Aikido, this is called blending in which the energy of an opponent's attack is never resisted or re­jected. The Aikidoist takes the mental position of welcoming  the attack, both as an opportunity to restore harmony and as a chance to practice the art. An im­portant reframing takes place in the mind of the Aikidoist: The usual notion of an attack being frightening... is replaced by an acceptance and appreciation.... In  both cases, the practitioner views resistance not as a problem one wishes would go away, but rather as essential "raw  energy" that can lead to ultimate solutions.

This acceptance of resistance means that one must remain flexible to adapt to what is occurring... Aikido is a process of not being drawn into a tug-of-war or a conflict. The Aiki­do solution to force-seeks-force may be stated as: Never put power at the point of contact. If an attacker grabs the wrist of an Aikidoist, the Aikidoist "gives" the wrist to the attacker. This causes the at­tacker to feel in control. He feels no force resisting him and so he does not experi­ence a heightening of tension and con­flict. His sense of power is not threatened. Yet, subtly, the Aikidoist is moving other parts of his body, radiating out smoothly from his hara [belly]. The result is that the at­ tacker usually feels totally in control un­til, quite suddenly, all balance  is inexplicably lost, and he tumbles to the ground.             (ibid)

What the above points to is the "Effortless effort" - following the Way.  If we forget our ego, our mind play and be in the moment, connected to the primary (e.g., true self, heart), There is resolution.

Gozo Shioda and Art of Aikido (3 min.)

* Note: For those who know my New Manufacturing Challenge book, or New Shop Floor Management book, there are stories related to this.  It is about empowerment and become the master of destiny.  BTW, one well known exercise in Toyota is called "Maru-kaite-chon" or white circle on the floor, in which Toyota a manager is instructed by Mr. Ohno, the father of Toyota Production System, to stand for a day, two or a week, just observing the production line (until he gets it! to know where the waste is! and how to address it)

* In my video at youtube called "Ten-mei," (from 15.40 for about 4 min.), or "Order from Heaven," I described my experience of something like me being in Aikido with Taiichi Ohno, where he did not exert his energy, yet I was thrown out by my own effort, and came up with new insight and conviction to move forward - with the idea of being the master of my own destiny.  This example may points a way of how we may breakthrough the impasse.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Meaning of Spiritual Experiences: Eckhart Tolle vs Mine

Just recently, I found the video re: Spiritual experience and teaching of Eckhart Tolle (2004). I have read his books, and saw various videos before.  Yet this 7-part video was very informative especially tied to my similar experience that happened in 2000 and my journey that followed since then.  FYI, here are excerpts of the interview on his experiences with my comments:

Part 1:  His awakening experience - 29 yrs old (video length: 10 min.)

-  It was his 29 yrs old when the major shift happened - He was in state of fear till then
-  "I cannot live myself any longer" - "I" and "myself": is there two or one?  (like Zen Koan)
-  There was no answer in intellectual level - This triggered inner shift
-  I was drawn into voltex of energy
-  "Resist nothing" (I heard the inner voice) - so I gave up.. and I went into nothingness
-  Next morning, everything looked as if seeing them the first time
-  There was "aliveness and peace" - but did not know why

* Like Tolle, I had a similar experience and the journey that followed since the event in 2000.  At the time, I was suffering in worst physical pain (on the 8th day of my 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat).  In the middle of pain, I questioned to myself; "Is this so because I am trying to escape the pain?"  Similar to Tolle's noticing two identities, "I" looked at "myself" having a pain.  As Tolle said, "I" and "myself": is there two or one?, was the last thought, it was the last thought.  Then, I also experienced the massive voltex of energy.  I was a twirl of billions of blight light particles.  I was like plasma myself.  In the report I wrote about this experience, I also said it was like having sex with the universe.  After the experience which lasted perhaps 7~8 min up to 20 min, I felt my body was lifted from the burden I carried in life, and noticed a genuine smile on my face.

As Tolle did in the following years, I also studied the meaning of this experience through various scriptures, and sayings of spiritual teachers very carefully.  The whole intensive investigation is posted in my homepage ( in English till ~2003 and  in Japanese  from 2003)  Out of many findings and confirmation I went through, here is one finding that points to my experience of me and the universe become one as if having sex.  As Tolle mentioned, it was that aliveness that I connected since then.  (Borrowing Tolle's term, the experience I had was to see "me" (ego) trying to resist the pain as having no reality.)

Part 2
-  There was inner peace as background to all experiences, sense perceptions,
even background to my thinking, that they never left me again (This is similar to my feeling of what I call, "Mirror mind" (see the file under the same title in my Japanese Home Page - sorry, written in Japanese)!  Different from Tolle, however, such state went away every now and then although I can get back to that state at moment notice.

-  It took long time to understand and put it into words; started to check with
spiritual teachings, e.g., Buddhism, Christianity ,etc.
-  I could see the truth hiding behind cultural.. interepretations etc. They shed light to what happened to me
(I did the same - taking about 8-10 years to totally convinced.  Yet this is a journey still.)
- For example. "Peace not related to external world"
- "Zen is not about thinking"
- I had peace as I was not thinking much any more
- Useless continuous noise, or thinking, came to an end
(In my case, there are noises/delusions popping up every now and then, but I can see the end/resolution of it fairly soon, e.g., minute to hours, usually)
-  I could still use thinking when I need it
(In my book Results from the Heart, I wrote; "Use the brain,listen to the heart, live with the mission.")
-  Long stretch of no thought was wonderful inner peace
-  Realized that inner peace was there before but was covered up (3.16)
-  Then this became the spiritual teaching
-  People have within themselves what they are looking for outside
(This corresponds to :"If you seek for it, you will not find it." - Yuima sutra)
(Or, as my experience proves it, I can say this way, "If you try to avoid it (e.g., in this case suffering, not enlightenment/realization), you cannot.")
-  [The answer] comes only when there is inner alignment with now, or LIFE itself (6.15)
(This is the primary I mentioned before, i.e., the connection to the heart)

Here are my brief summary: On my spiritual experience:
-  Past Karma may not dissapear easily (It took years to accumulate)
-  Being in present will expose problems and staying there will bring insight (e.g., eliminate delusion/suffering)
-  Illusionary nature of self/ego cannot be recognized by thinking.  (It is to be recognized by, say, the third eye, or awakened mind's eye)
-  Continuous practice of this will eradicate many problems in life
-  There are infinite ways to move on with our life (thus, be liberated)
-  From the beginning to the end, the nature (the law, or God if you like) will always take care of itself

How may we proceed in life? (Again, my summary):
-  We need to have (psychological) "condition" for the breakthrough to take place.
-  Pain/suffering (physical or mental) is a good teacher (so far as we can see through it - by observing what is really happening)
-  Being in presence, we live in this dualistic world - with mirror mind (This is to transcend the paradox of me and ME)
-  We can appreciate life, this existence because of the fact that we are human who can transcend the suffering.
-  Be conscious of unconscious.  (Yes, we can.  Why?  Because we came from there and we are there when awakened.  Fortunate or unfortunate, this paradox is to be transcended.  Intellect alone cannot do the job.)

Note: It was told that Tolle reduced mental activity by 80% after that experience.  In my case, the answer is, it depends...  I think when it is needed especially in writing but I am often in the state of non-thinking/trans-like.  Yet, sad memories and desire pops up and I go through cleaning these taking seconds, to hours sometimes, perhaps.  Bottom line, I cannot say:  Useless continuous noise, or thinking, came to an end as he did.  But I am not unhappy about it as "I" know the way out - by practicing silent observation of what is going on with the calm and quiet mind - I call it mirror mind.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

50 Cm Problem (Brain and Heart)

The term, "Primary relationship" was used in previous posts to point to the connection to the heart, true self, unconscious, or whatever it may be called.  Here, I would like to give an example of a company and its people who grasped this idea in managing their company.

UBISA is a Spanish company in Burgos producing steel wire products, which won a coveted European Quality Award some 20 years ago.  I consulted this company over decades, sharing the journey aimed at excellence.  Time flies and many people have left the firm by now, but many wonderful memories are with me.  There are less than a handful of companies that I felt so connected at such level and this company (i.e., people) is certainly one of them.  My heart is with "you" and this one slide below signifies the message.

Courtesy: UBISA

Here, they call it a "50 cm problem," signifying the distance between brain and heart.  The Spanish words above translate: "Our purpose is to share our experience to help solve "half meter problem""

They used this slide in a seminar in Madrid where I talked about overall idea and UBISA people joined me to give their story tied to my message.  In my book, "Results from the heart," I wrote;  "They emphasized that it is the heart that is the core... and made their presentation on that theme.... I was quite moved that we identified with something that is very essential in running the mini- company (and company as a whole)."  Further, I wrote, "We all have such connecting moments...  In such moments, we may not directly share feelings verbally, but there is that sparkling light in the eyes and sense of spirit in the air that us beyond expression." (p.185)

I wonder if this experience in Madrid is also connected to the results from the Heart - literally speaking.  Was there our heart and the meaning connected to that, which we shared in our journey at that moment?

Instead of pondering any further, let me just share some quotes:
"Concept without intuition is meaningless.  Intuition without concept is blindness." -  Kant
"Science without religion is meaningless.  Religion without science is lame." - Einstein

After quoting these, my resolution is in the book; [whatever the subject matter is..e.g.,].. science, philosophy or management, mastery is tied to finding the channel to connect brain and heart, thus eliciting an integral or balanced solution. (p.12)

*  Or, this corresponds to what Eckhart Tolle may say, "the alignment to the present moment."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hypnosis and Aikido - 1

Usually, I do not get a big "surprise" perhaps due to continuous practice of cultivating a calm and quiet mind.  But this one was an exception.

Few month ago, I read "My voice will go with you" by Milton Erickson - one of the most well known hypno therapists, and the founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis, I felt there was something very important in this book to understand human psyche.  As I read it, I felt as if I was tested by various Koans (puzzles used for Zen monks to attain Satori, or enlightenment).

Milton Erickson
(one of the most influential psychotherapists and hypnotherapists; 1901 – 1980)

Then, a few weeks ago, I started Aikido (as mentioned in previous post).  When I went to Dojo (practice hall) the first time, I immediately felt the strong connection of hypnosis and Aikido.  (...also Sex as mentioned in the previous post).  It was about having palms of hands together that no one else can separate them once the person is in the hypnotic state (or trance) - i.e., catalepsy.  In Aikido, very similar symptom happens, for example, when a person is well centered in his mind and body and extending Ki, or life energy, from the core.  Virtually, no one can penetrate, e.g., move him or lift him, or attack him.

The reason I sensed the connection between Aikido and Hypnosis came from years of practicing meditation and Tai-chi (Shibashi - 18 positions).  In a moment notice, I can easily feel Ki moving around in my body as if I am in that calm trance state.  By the way, the same is practiced in Tantric sex, Kundalini, Vipassana, Daoist sex, etc.  So, one thing in common to all of these is trance, intimacy, zone, or samadhi experience.  (This state is called "being conscious of unconscious" or "mind and body is one" in Zen.)

Now, back to my "surprise."  Sensing something about these connections but still unclear, I playfully Googled, "Hypnosis and Aikido."  Unexpectedly, I found there are about half a million search results which point that many people seem to be very aware of the connection.  Wow!!!  Amusing, and eye-opening!

Out of many interesting findings, I post a quote from a paper titled, "Ericksonian Hypnotherrapy, and Aikido" by Rod Windle and Michael Samkoin where they described the state of "centering" in Aikido as corresponding to the state of hypnotherapist doing the therapy.  (the list is partly modified to save space)

1. Physical relaxation with a balanced posture
2. Loose shoulders and absence of excess muscle tension
3. Loss of startle reflex
4. "Soft" eyes (simultaneous use of focus and peripheral vision)
5. Breathing by abdomen
6. Awareness of energies flowing in and out of the body
7. Perception of self and others non judgmentally and simultaneously
8. Increased ability to detect minimal psychological cues from others
9. Slowing or absence of internal dialogue
10. Spontaneously generated associations, ideas, or understandings of others

(from American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol 34, Number 4, April 1992)

The bottom line is that awareness and cultivation of Ki, life energy can unleash vast potential in us, and manifested as love, compassion, wisdom, healing, etc.  I am very convinced that getting this connection (centering, which is akin to primary relationship previously mentioned) can help us to live better, e.g., healthier, safer, and with more fun, playful, and lively life!!!  Yes, we can change ourselves as well as help others, and guide ourselves for betterment.

What do you think?  Or, a better question may be.... "How do you feel?" or "May you connect to IT?" --- If not, may we inquire within?  Then, experiment and discover by yourself.  Perhaps, a good start of our new hero's journey!?

*  Lastly, May I suggest here that those ten points above may correspond to the state of "no-self," a meditative state of samdhi where the connection to the "primary" (call it, true self, or heart) is made?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sex, Meditation and Aikido

Sex is something most of us are familiar with (although I feel there is depth to be explored like anything else in life).  Aikido is new to me (although I connected from the very first encounter just recently).  Yet, since realizing there are so much in common between the two, and that I believe such realization came from my meditation experience, I want to share my views as shown below:

If you want to catch someone's attention, the quickest way may be to talk something about sex.  In the meantime, influenced by TV, instant message and texting, etc., more people seem to be for instant gratification.  Quick everything!!  Even for sex?!  Oh, no!!! I need at the least 1.5 hours!  (Have I caught your attention?)  But seriously, if you are familiar with Tantric and Daoist sex, you know what I mean.  When we are totally absorbed in the act, whether sex, meditation, or else, there are experiences of being in the zone, intimacy, samadhi, oneness, or whatever you may call it.  And..., I also see playfulness, ecstasy and liveliness there although at the end it is beyond any description of words.

As I see it, in that state is yhe creativity where different elements come together to create a new meaning.  This, I would like to call the experience of "the absolute affirmation of life."  Yet, if having sex is an ego-driven act, and not tied to intimacy (both within oneself and between the two), we may not experience the connection to the core of our life, the miracle of two melting together.  It is simple; intimacy can not come from ego.  So, this connection is about the "primary relationship," I mentioned in the previous post.

Now, Aikido is known as martial art originated from Japan by Morihei Ueshita (1883 – 1969).  It is translated as "the way of harmony with the spirit/energy of the universe.”  Literally, it means "the way of meeting of Ki, the life energy" (this may sounds far-fetched for some but do you sense the common ground between sex and Aikido?)  And I found Aikido is much more than a conventional view of Martial Art as I realized in the interview video with Philip Stearns, 25-year veteran and Sen-sei (teacher), whom I met on the hiking trail the other day, and videotaped him later in that afternoon.  If you are intuitive, you may find the connection between sex, meditation and Aikido without much difficulty (11 min.).

Here are selected quotes of Philip Stearns from this video:
"Aikido is about connecting to the heart"
"I am responsible to what is happening there as I can change myself which affects the outcome."
"There is intimacy with sensation that we experience in nature"

In this video, I also commented to my experience in meditation, quoting the Zen saying; "Melting of the boundaries, mind and body had fallen off."  It was as if having sex, or become one with the universe.  Resonated from this encounter with Philip, few days later, I joined Aikido club in Santa Monica, and more confirmation has been made with what I call here, the new hero's journey.

In essence, what is being confirmed is about all activities in life can be based on compassion for betterment, even to the enemies.  Gozo Shioda, one of the most prominent teachers in history of Aikido says, when he was asked, "What is your strongest skill in Aikido?"  He said, "The enemy who came to kill me becomes my friend!"

On the journey, our hero may look at the external as well as internal (mind/body/spirit) and find a good connection (path) such that there is a way for a good balance and harmony.  We want to be happy as well as those others surrounding us.  We are linked with each other like in a intricate web.  We are whole (if look internally) and at the same time part of the whole (if look externally) and there is exchange of Ki (life energy) among all.  We are all connected.  And we have this innate ability to feel that connection, and express what is to be expressed through sex, Aikido, meditation, or else in the most genuine manner.  This is the life's miracles; and we are the miracles ourselves.  We can feel it, we can cultivate it, and we can live our life accordingly, following the bliss.

In sex, and in any intimate relationship, the New DNA (mentioned previously) may be cultivated and it builds the entirely new potential and new found meaning in it.  Intimacy, and joy of sex is but a scene of the life energy finding ways to explore the new horizon - as we experience the same in meditaion, and Aikido, just to name a few.  May we, as new hero's, therefore, explore this wonder of life?!  My answer is; why not?  Properly done, I believe sex, aikido and all of our life's experience can teach us who we are and what we can do as we follow the bliss in our new hero's journey.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Have Fun and Express Who We Are

I see playfulness, open mindedness, curiosity, following the bliss, intuition, creativity and wisdom are all related to each other.  Then, our hobby offers such a quality especially when we do not put emphasis on time or results.  If we are playful, we simply follow the bliss.  And, I hear in my heart that I should live like children in the sandbox.  Also, my intuition tells me that happy state of being is in tune with the songs of the nature and everything we do in living life can be seen in this fashion.  This is what I believe Confucius meant by saying: "at age 70, I followed my heart's desire without overstepping the boundaries of law."

What I also found profound is that even swordsmanship where life and death are at stake, this liveliness and playfulness can exist (at least many writings of masters of Zen and swordsmanship and my humble experience in Aikido indicate that).  So, from casual hobby of playing tennis (however, there is a moment when I put my 110%), to championship in golf, to management to swordsmanship, I see there is something in common as if finding creativity, liveliness and even love and compassion even in the extremity such as facing death.  I believe such experience leads to this saying when we break through the conventional wisdom: Man's extremity is God's opportunity.

Of course this is a paradox.  Playfulness and creativity while facing death - or never losing smile at any instance!  Or perhaps we may find that because of the state of extremity, we finally realize creativity, source of our existence, life energy, heart, love or compassion, etc. in its true sense - not any more in words or concept.  And such experience is what I like to call, the connection to the source so that our life is expressed in its most genuine manner!  There, we may find comfort and happiness in any situation we face, thus transcending the paradox.  The idea is not so much about the form of how we live, but whether or not we connect to the essence, which is invisible but essential to be truly and genuinely alive.

In hobby, we have light-hearted attitude.  Also, if we do what we like to do, there is more energy flows and liveliness felt - again when we follow the bliss.  When my son was about 17, I gave him my last advice, "Do what you like to do, and if that is to contribute to the society, perhaps you find a way to live while having fun. "

After all, don't you agree that quality at the source or heart, which everybody has, is utmost important?  And if or when we lose that connection, guess what?  You know the answer.  I sense a definite limit in our tendency toward instant gratification that I see more common these days.  We want to live truthfully.  I believe such is the path for our New Hero to take.

Good day, good journey,
Kiyoshi Suzaki

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Results from the Heart - You are your Own Master

In my book, Results from the Heart, I proposed the idea of "Mini-Company" where everyone is viewed as the president of his or her own mini-company.  This is an idea pointing to self-management, to become the master of destiny, no matter what the situation we face is.  If we can manage our own mini-company well and prove that to ourselves and others (we form a customer-supplier relationship with each other as we interact in our life) - knowing the process and aim to accomplish the mission, we are on the path of new hero's journey.  Whether in a business setting or in personal life, the idea applies the same.  It is to live well and be happy no matter what situation we may fall into.

But, what is "self" in self-management, anyway?  In its truest sense, it should be the true self - not our ego.  It  is the heart, the divine, the law of the universe, the absolute - beyond human comprehension.  Does this sound too vague or incomprehensible?  Yet, I know we can appreciate such connection once we have experienced that precious moment, the moment of bliss (as we may have had it when we are very young for example).  That is the connection to the primary (true self, heart, etc.).  Yet, knowing is not the same as doing.  We cannot live in the concept, we are to prove in life from moment to moment.

Here are few memories from publishing, "Results from the Heart" (Simon & Schuster):

1)  Foreword from the Dalai Lama; Steven Covey, et. al.
 “I believe we have both the ability and the means to solve our problems and improve the world.....But we must be careful, for there is also a narrow-minded selfishness that can lead to destruction.....I agree with him (Suzaki) that if we all learned to use the brain but at the same time listen to the heart, we could make our world a happier, more peaceful, and successful place.”  - The Dalai Lama
Steven Covey, the author of Seven habits of effective people (over ten million copies sold) said: “Suzaki... teaches  brilliant ideas to connect the mind and the heart in unleashing human potnetial.” 

2)  Picture of front page - man climbing up the stairs
I like the front cover of the book where a man is painting the stairs on his way up to the unknown future.  Although I never contacted the person who came up with this front page, when I saw it, I felt happy that he/she understood the message of the book.  It is to open up your own future.

You are your own master, you make your own future.  Therefore discipline yourself as a horse dealer trains a thoroughbred.  - Dhammapada, XXV.21 (380)

Reference:  FAQ on Mini-company

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Impossible Dream, Creativity and NHJ

Is New Hero a modern day Don Quixote - The Man of La Mancha?  I remember in my younger days, I visited La Mancha one summer with the book of Cervantes in my hand, strolling around the hill, and listening to the guitar someone was playing in a courtyard in a small hotel I stayed.  Perhaps, the idea of impossible dream became embedded in my DNA form those days...

Whatever the case is, I love this song very much, "the impossible dream":

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

Hero is to challenge the obstacles for good.  The challenge is to be creative and to keep the dream alive as in the longing for the endless sea (Antoine Exupery).  Also, since life is, by definition, a fight against the law of entropy which is the tendency toward chaos if left alone, it is nothing but a creative process itself.  Thus, an impossible dream.

Then, I found this comment on the net: 
psychologist Gary Fitzgibbon says an ability to "suspend disbelief" is one way of looking at creativity.... When you suspend disbelief you are prepared to believe anything and this opens up the scope for seeing more possibilities..... Creativity is certainly about not being constrained by rules or accepting the restrictions that society places on us."--Creative minds 'mimic schizophrenia'   By Michelle RobertsHealth reporter, BBC News

So, here is a paradox.  There should be rules for order but to go beyond the rule is the creative process for a better life - thus, a never ending journey.  Then, the law of entropy is a law of nature whereas our life itself  is nothing but the nature's way.  So, there is another paradox.

Then, having a dream may be akin to being creative - as if to reach out to the unknown potential within or without.  Don Quixote says "unreachable star."   Einstein says, "Imagination is power."  Then, may we say if we keep on living in our dream throughout our life, we may be quite happy especially if such a dream connects to our heart - to promote happiness within oneself and without with others?

There are many positives of having a dream:  Liveliness, open-mindedness, child-likeness, insight and wisdom, warm fuzzy feeling / love and compassion...  Connected to the dream and infinite potential, I would like to keep my smile and life's dream of always going beyond.  At the end, life may be a process of manifesting our dream, never-ending dream that is.  

* BTW, Without death, there is no life.  Death is like a law of entropy.  Life is like a phoenix.  So, follow your bliss!  You may then ask, why so much suffering?  Yet, through suffering, there may be a bright shining star born.  In fact, that unreachable star may be you!  Otherwise why do you want to reach that unreachable star?  After all, where the question arises is the answer. The blue bird you seek for is with you - all the time.  To see that is the primary.  (To point this, some may say, God be with you....although interpretation and expressions may vary.)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Hero and his Primary Relationship

In life, I see there are two major relationships; primary and secondary.  Without primary, secondary is like a mirage, i.e., lost meaning.  Primary is the relationship with True self, Heart, God (if I may use this term), Infinite potential, or the Law- as if to find the source of compassion and wisdom - or happiness and harmony.  Secondary is our relationship we typically talk about in this world.  The symbol of Cross in Christianity seems to symbolize these relationship; one is vertical (Primary) and the other horizontal (Secondary).  Although tricky to discuss, I see primary is more internal, and subjective (spirit/heart/unconscious) while secondary is more external, and objective (mind/brain/conscious).  Many religions around the world seem to point to the same 'place' although their expressions may be different.  (But, no worries, I am not to talk about any religion here.)

Then, over years, I also noticed that mastery of any discipline seems to be, at the end, a lot to do with the Primary whether it is art, sports, science, management or else.  For anyone to attain the level of mastery (i.e., taking care of things with effortless effort - as if it is a divine/magical touch), one needs to look into the depth of one's own self to go beyond greed, fear, anger, ignorance, and delusion - and break through the ego to connect to that primary source - so to speak.  Thus, "know thyself" and mastery are closely related.

Now, if I am to get into a relationship with a woman, seeking ways to find harmony and meaning in creating a life together - bonding with love, I call manifesting such potential, with a term New DNA.  As obvious as it should be, such potential cannot be realized if we are self-centered, or ego driven.  So, any 'genuine' relationship is at the end a relationship with true self, a primary relationship.  This is not just for couples but any type of organizations.  Then, new DNA is like a representation of their mission.

In my book, Results from the Heart, I proposed the idea of "Mini-Company" where everyone is viewed as the president of his or her own mini-company.  Here again, self-centered way does not work as mini-company can exist only when customers are satisfied.  So, mini-company is an idea pointing to self-management, so that we can all become the masters of destiny, no matter what situation we get into.  Then, if we can manage our own mini-company well and prove that to ourselves and others aiming to accomplish the mission, we may find us the master of destiny.  So, self mastery, self-management, and be the master of destiny are all inter-related.

Now, can you guess what is "self" in self-management anyway?  In its truest sense, I see it should be the "true self,"  divine, the law of the universe, or the absolute.  We can appreciate such connection once we have experienced the moment of bliss, miracle, the sense of absolute.  Or this may be like a "zone" experience one may have in intimacy when he or she is in tune with the song of the universe - so to speak, at that special moment.  Such is the connection to the primary.  Yet, knowing this is no use.  We are to prove the connection as if riding a wave from moment to moment.

So, primary is the foundation, and secondary relationship cannot be sustainable without the primary.  In other words, if primary relationship is in danger, we should forgo the secondary.  It is the connection to the heart:

Everything else can wait but the search for God cannot wait, (George Harrison /  Paramahansa Yogananda)

Here, you may ask, how do we find the true self, heart, or God?  At minimum, I suggest that we have a calm and quiet mind.  Without that, our judgement will be flawed, and our behavior and destiny will reflect that.  In summary, new hero's need to have a good antenna to detect what is going on externally as well as to be able to sense the connection with heart, internally - at the same time.  After all, everything is (to be) connected to the base/heart, where wisdom and compassion originates.  Yes, this is ideal but my view is that our whole existence is to be connected to that, and to do that in everything in life is the New Hero's Journey.