Thursday, May 31, 2012

Life Profile - 2: How to Use the Tool

If we pay attention to all happenings in life, yet still have a balanced perspective, we may have a right outlook on our life. i.e., what is important and why. We can then learn to act accordingly, and see how we are doing so that we can navigate our life better in a balanced manner. Diligently living like this over time, we may realize how we are expressing who we are and what our life's journey is all about.

Such overall balance of life's activities is assessed by "Life Profile," in which I propose to look into six key items: i.e., work, hobby, relationship, health, finance and living truthfully. We then assess these items by rating Importance (1 to 10) and the level of satisfaction (1 to 10) for each item. (You may add or remove item or subdivide one as you find it fit.)

To move forward with this idea, we can utilize a well known concept called PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) used in Total Quality Management. The idea is to assure continuous improvement in what we do as situation changes. Although this is commonly called PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), it should start with Check (i.e., check what is going on, or what have happened) then, Act (if OK, keep going, or if not, figure out the reason why). Then, the next step is Plan (develop plan according to the analysis of the situation). After implementation of the plan, which is Do, we check the outcome (Check), and this cycle of PDCA continues. (BTW, If we start with plan without checking what is going on, such plan may be like a dream without foundation. Not necessarily bad, but not recommended because such idea may not reflect bring out the intelligence we need to face the reality.

If you remember, this process may be seen as a sail boat aiming for a destiny with PDCA cycle done every so often (See the post, "Over the Hurdles, and Realize our Dream...") To illustrate what we discussed above, the table below shows an example of Life Profile. In this example, Relationship divided into two categories, i.e., with T (partner) and with others (family members, etc). Note that I used color coding to expose problem to catch our eyes, red indicates there is room for improvement, green is doing well (not shown here). The far right column indicates the relative balance among these items, which is, Importance rating multiplied by Satisfaction rating.

The exhibit below shows the same information shown in a chart form.  There are other ways to show the Life Profile.  For example, with historical trend, spider diagram, etc.  You may use such charts as you prefer or just start with the table.  The idea is to do this every month, three months or every year, but consistency is important.  Of course, what is also critical is to come up with Plans to address areas to improve the performance.  (I may come back to planning later)  For now, I suggest you to take 20-30 min. to do this exercise with calm and quiet mind, and find out how your life is balanced and moving forward.  Simply filling out the table may bring awareness as to how your life is balanced or not, and why (and what needs to be done).

Note:  Although I have not read yet, Clayton Christensen's book,"how will you measure your life?" became a recent best seller, perhaps pointing to the similar concern as I mentioned above.

Note: Since LP has much depth than what is described above, interested reader may explore this by actually applying this in life and gain insight (In conjunction with the idea of PDCA) as you live your life.  Repetition is mother of success.  As riding a bicycle, it takes few turns (few repeated trial) to start to get an idea and possibly a smooth ride.  (Note, any human will encounter many bumps in life.  What is needed is a good sensing/monitoring mechanism and willingness/ability to overcome these bumps so that you lead your life as the master of destiny.  Nobody will do this for you.  You are the master of your own life, you should not be the slave of the situation you are in.  

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